Our Donors
The JPF currently has eight donors: Canada, the European Union, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
As a multi-donor fund, the JPF brings consolidated funding and coordinated support to initiatives that contribute to the peaceful resolution of armed conflict in Myanmar, in support of international best practice.
Our Governance
The Joint Peace Fund is governed by a Fund Board of its donors. Fund Board meetings are attended by the Embassy Heads of Mission or their representatives of the donor country or organization. In addition, a Fund Board Working Group meets on regular basis to discuss technical or operational issues that arise in JPF’s work.
Our Management
Upon establishment in 2015 JPF was managed jointly by two teams: a JPF Technical Secretariat – managed by Nordic International Support (NIS) Foundation – and a JPF Trustee and Contract Manager – managed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).
From January 2023, all aspects of JPF are managed directly by UNOPS through the JPF Fund Management Office (FMO).
The JPF FMO leads the development and implementation of programmes JPF’s programmes and provides technical, advisory, and analytical support to both JPF implementing partners and the Fund Board. It also holds JPF’s funds and acts as its Trustee and Contract Manager, and as such is the organization’s legal representative. It signs and manages the financial and compliance aspects of all the JPF’s grants.
The JPF FMO is staffed by a team of national and international specialists with long experience in both Myanmar-specific and global peace and conflict contexts.