JPF Story

JPF Story

What is Joint Peace Fund?

The Joint Peace Fund is an organisation which provides financial, technical and advisory support to Myanmar's peace process.

​Currently we have eleven international donors: Australia, Canada, Denmark, European Union, Finland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The fund is set to run until at least 2021.

The JPF first disbursed funds to both the government and ethnic armed organisations in support of the peace process in late August 2016. Since then it ran a six month long open call for concept notes from which a broad portfolio of projects is now being established. These projects reflect JPF's holistic approach to supporting peace in Myanmar: they are run by a wide range of the country's many peace actors and stakeholders and at every level of Myanmar society. All these projects ultimately aim to make the ongoing peace process more effective and support Myanmar in the longer term, on the path to sustainable peace.